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Stationskoder i SJ:s försäljningssystem SNAP och senare

Stationskoder i SJ:s försäljningssystem SNAP och senare

Bibliotekarien har ett förflutet hos SJ AB, där han från 2001 och några år framåt arbetade extra som biljettförsäljare och i kundservice. En fostrande tid på många sätt.


En nyttig kunskap var att lära sig de olika koder som finns för de olika stationerna inom järnvägen (och ResPlus-samarabetet)...

19th Oct 2024

Guide till delfälten i 099 i Mikromarc

Jag har haft lite svårt att hitta detta öppet på nätet, så här kommer en snabb guide till hur man tolkar exemplarinformationen i 099 Mikromarcs bibliografiska poster:

Lån tillåtet 0/1
Senast hanterat vid enhet
Visa i webbsök 0/1


11th Oct 2024
Sessions and (Python) HTTP modules

Sessions and (Python) HTTP modules

Some of the documentation best-practices around certain technologies are written with the best intentions in mind, but they can lead to unforseen side-effects or bring users to make bad decisions.

One of my favourite examples are package installation guidelines in the Linux world. It is not uncomm...

16th May 2024
Tree view in Windows Explorer

Tree view in Windows Explorer

Have you also missed the ability to have a tree-out view in Windows Explorer?

I don't remember when it disappeared, but it must have been a long time ago. Yesterday I realized that maybe it didn't go away, but that it might actually still be there. So I asked Google, and yes, it was probably stil...

10th Apr 2023
Artikel: Cornell Library FOLIO Case Study

Artikel: Cornell Library FOLIO Case Study

Jenn Colt and Debra Howell from Cornell University Library have written an article about their FOLIO implementation.

There are even a few praises here and there:

Our EBSCO implementation consultants were invaluable partners during our migration and implementation.

205-Article Text-1141-1-...

22nd Jan 2022
License display in Discovery fed from FOLIO

License display in Discovery fed from FOLIO

Many years ago, when I worked at Sockholm University Library, I worked on surfacing license information from Verde on the results display in the Bento-box style OPAC/Discovery we built at the time: SUB%20licence%20display

I belive this was successfull in many ways, and certainly a proof of the usefulness of the APIs ino...

17th Jun 2021

Bibliotekarien goes Grav

This is the third platform for this site. First there was Drupal, and the last...ten years or so the site has been running on various incarnations of Umbraco. Now I switch back to PHP with Grav. Markdown FTW!


4th Jun 2021

Lets encrypt och Azure

Let's_Encrypt The idea of doing certs that expire every three months seems to be something that is on the way out for those who can start new projects on Azure with all new third-party solutions. However, it seems a bit complicated to get it for those of us who have already configured it manually. Here's a guid...

6th Mar 2021